New Hours at Anjou Spa

New Hours at Anjou Spa

Later Hours for Monday & Tuesday… Beginning July 23rd, our spa hours on Mondays and Tuesdays will be from 10 am to 6 pm. Want an earlier start? 9 am services are still available Wednesday - Saturday! Have you heard about our summer sale?  Special items in our...

Self-Care Like A Bend Boss

Self-Care Like A Bend Boss

Anjou Spa recently held a self-care event for the Bend Boss Babes, a networking group of women business owners in Bend, Oregon. We caught up with Holly Roberson, owner of with Soul Social Media, and co-founder of Bend Boss Babes, after the event to get her...

Men’s Skin Care Products Are No (Dad) Joke

Men’s Skin Care Products Are No (Dad) Joke

Here’s a dad joke to start out with... What’s a cow’s favorite skincare product? Moo-sturizer. We all have a guy in our world who would laugh at his own cheesy dad jokes just like this one. You know what’s no joke? Men that take care of their skin and...

King For A Day – Father’s Day at Anjou Spa

King For A Day – Father’s Day at Anjou Spa

Dads… they help fix our cars, they help us build tree houses, or maybe they hold the secret trick to setting up the best living room fort. No matter what you call on Dad for, June is a month to celebrate who and what your dad means to you! Make dad's day...