Body Treatments

Full body and skin treatments

body treatments


30 min, $150

Anjou created this unique service to address a variety of skin concerns on your body. Using a large micro-derm head, we can deeply exfoliate your back, upper and lower appendages and decollate and chest so they look and feel renewed! This is great for post-surgery skin clean-up, keriotosis (aka “strawberry skin”), and hard-to-reach back deep cleaning in addition to diminishing scars, pigmentation and dry skin. Includes a soothing masque and moisturization.

Choose from:

1) Back
2) Decollate and chest
3) Lower OR Upper appendages


30 min, $40 

A full-body compression therapy treatment that gently and rhythmically applies pressure; this stimulates blood flow, helps remove toxins and metabolic waste, and reduces fluid retention. While one-session can bring relief, multiple sessions are recommended when chronic pain, stiffness and a lot of fluid is built-up.

Pressotherapy can be done 2-4 times per week. A 3-series is available at a discount for $105.