Spa in Bend This Winter, Frozen Berry Facial

Spa in Bend This Winter, Frozen Berry Facial

Here for the chilly months, our Frozen Arctic Berry Facial is a specialized winter facial that includes collagen-strengthening peptides from an exquisite blend of arctic berries, lingonberry seed oil and hibiscus seed extract –– combined to upgrade the effects of...

January Spa Member Gifts: Organic SPF by Juice Beauty

January Spa Member Gifts: Organic SPF by Juice Beauty

Just in time for skiing white, reflective powder at Mt. Bachelor! Organic SPF! Our January Gift for Spa Members is by Juice Beauty: STEM CELLULAR™ CC Cream. Remember you can burn your skin in winter too––snow reflects the sun and at potentially dangerous levels when...

Reopening Soon: Anjou at Aspen House!

Reopening Soon: Anjou at Aspen House!

Anjou at Aspen House! We've searched high and low, and found a home tailored for our Spa Members and clients to set up for the coming holidays. We're calling it Anjou at Aspen House and we can't wait to open the doors for you all early November 2016. This beautiful...

Spa Announcement: Reopening Soon!

Spa Announcement: Reopening Soon!

As most of you know by now, our spa was heavily damaged in a fire Wednesday, September 7th. We are beyond grateful that the fire was in the early morning when no employees or guests were injured. However, the fire has devoured the beautiful space we once had and we...