by Anjou Spa | Mar 12, 2015 | News
March 2015’s Spa Member Gift is the Purity Detox Scrub by CosMedix. Purity Detox Scrub uses a unique combination of chemical and manual exfoliators to cleanse the skin and polish away imperfections. As Poppy, Jojoba and Date Seeds scrub away dead skin cells and...
by Anjou Spa | Mar 5, 2015 | News, Specials
To celebrate Bend’s love of beer, we collaborated with one of our town’s greatest breweries, GoodLife Brewing Company. We’ve tailored several specialty services to incorporate GoodLife Brewing’s delightful suds into the experience. During the month of March, each week...
by Anjou Spa | Feb 10, 2015 | News, Specials
A spa visit on Valentine’s Day is an A+ special gift that can’t be beat. Trouble is, the spa is all booked up (except nail appointments) and Valentine’s Day is this Saturday! But, you can still show how much you care with a gift to your loved one...
by Anjou Spa | Feb 9, 2015 | News
Winter can be a harsh, dry season –– especially on your skin. To get through it with glowing happy skin, we’ve put together a Winter Blast Essential Kit. Here are the absolute best products to get you through the winter, hydrated and un-chapped from head to toe, all...
by Anjou Spa | Feb 5, 2015 | News
Beverages. Living in Bend, you probably appreciate your beverages as much as we do. We have world class beer, coffee, wine, spirits–– not to mention some of the best tasting fresh water around –– tap water you can drink without filtering. Created by a very savvy...
by Anjou Spa | Feb 5, 2015 | News
It’s here: Member Night! We’re keeping the spa open late for Members only every Wednesday night, until 8pm. If you’re interested in a Spa Membership, please see our Membership page for details.