For the Homebody

They are an artisan of the home; finding new ways to touch up and delight every day life or special occasions. Finding something unique, functional and custom for the Home Sophisticate is tough! Anjou has some great options in our Wellness Boutique and off our Spa...

Holiday Special: Pomegranate Peel $59, thru 12/31

Though 12/31, our Pomegranate Peel is $59 (regular $64). Pomegranate Peel Designed to even out the top layers of the skin, Pomegranate Peel infuses the skin with powerful antioxidants while stimulating collagen to smooth over rough skin and correct uneven texture and...

Holiday PediSaver Pedicure, $59

During the winter months, walking around in flip-flops waiting for your pedicure polish to fully cure can be chilly! Anjou Spa now has a way to keep your pedi looking great for those first critical 24-hours while keeping your feet warm and toasty with our new...

Eye Genius by CosMedix for Spa Members: December 2014

This month, Spa Members are treated with an Eye Genius sample by CosMedix.  If you want an all around younger well rested look you have to give this product try. The Eye Genius is a must have product for daily eye care maintenance in the High Desert. Apply by gently...

December Member Gifts

December samples await you, Spa Members. CosMedix Eye Genius is just that; genius. Brightens, firms and calms skin instantly. #byebyedarkcircles

Post-Thanksgiving Weekend Specials

It’s Thanksgiving and family & friends surround you. Basking in the glow of an epic Thanksgiving meal and good times, it’s ruined by Black Friday…a chaotic mad dash to get the deals along with thousands of others! Anjou has another philosophy: A...